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Study For The Test

As I listened to the man of God minister, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and began to minister to me.

Immediately and loud and clear, the Lord said, “Study for the test.”

And instantly I was reminded of my English class during my freshman year in high school. Every week, we’d have a list of vocabulary words that we had to study then we’d be tested on Friday. Week in and week out it was the same.

Now I have to say that I loved the vocabulary words; I loved going over them in class. But I also have to say that while I loved the vocabulary words because they seemed to empower me, I did not; I repeat I did not like taking the test.


I hadn’t studied.

As I looked back, I shook my head in disappointment as I was reminded that week in and week out I had barely passed the tests. And now what’s more disturbing is the fact that it was okay to barely get by. It was okay to score just enough to pass.

You see, I barely passed the tests because I never studied the words. I went off of my memory. I used the “word association” method to past the tests. That is, when a particular word was used in the definition, I knew which word it was associated with. But I never studied the words to understand the meaning of the word.

But today, my sisters and my brothers, the Lord is saying, “Study to show thyself approved unto God.” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)

To study means to carefully examine a subject.

So I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter what you’re going through; it doesn’t matter what test you’re faced with…you have to study for the test!

Study the word of God; examine carefully what the word of God is saying concerning your test. Examine: test by questioning the word of God concerning that which you are going through.

Your first question: “Lord, what are you saying concerning my situation?”

It doesn’t matter what situation you may be faced with; the answer is in the Word.

If you’re going through financially; examine the subject carefully. What does the word say about financial freedom? Prosperity? Wealth? If you’re being tested physically, in your body, examine the subject carefully. What does the word say about healing?

While going through this test, you can do what I used to do and use “word association” and not have any understanding of the word. You may think what you know about the word is enough. But I’m here to tell you that if that’s the case, you’ll only prolong the test.

It’s not until you get an understanding of the word, study the word, examine the subject carefully that pleases God.

When you declare and decree the word of God, you are holding God accountable to perform His word.

You get an understanding, you get the answers, and you pass the test!

Study the word of God and do what it says.

It’s up to you how soon you come out and if you pass the test or not.

Study for the test.

It is pleasing unto the Lord.

Show thyself approved unto God that you would find favor in His eyes.

Be diligent, faithful, and trustworthy.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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