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I have two words...HOLY SPIRIT!!! I was and still am moved by this book! To have someone tell their own personal story and allow you to read and envision it, is nothing BUT, THE HAND OF GOD! I enjoyed this book so; I give them away as gifts. I think not just women but men too need to read/envision how “SEX” can hinder you or a person after the relationship falls apart. Through this book, I learned what God meant in his word about “fornication.” The outcome will be, without marriage, “DAMAGES AND CONSEQUENCES”...they come along with this type of behavior! As one reads this book, open up your mind as well as your eyes and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to cleanse you! Daisy S. Daiels, the author, didn’t know either at that time that, EVERYTHING IN HER WORLD WOULD BE AFFECTED THROUGH HER SEXUAL SINS! Thank you, to the author of this book for sharing your story, so one could live through you and not endure their own pain!

~ Brandyee’

First, I’d like to say, “please” don’t stop writing!! You have the gift and God allowed you to write this book to help other women see their experience with a “first love”! I started reading the book around 6pm on Sunday and finished Monday around 7pm. I was not able to put the book down. The “BOOK” is awesome!! I truly enjoyed reading your book. I believe...I saw myself in the book. Some of the things you went through with Hamilton were identical to what I went through with my “first love.” The book was rewarding to read. It’s a book of deliverance and healing! I’m sure many women can relate to this book. Again, I pray that you “DO NOT” stop writing! Not only did you speak of deliverance, you speak of love, anger, how to find peace with God, how to forgive, how to speak to God and hold a conversation with him. I found myself indulged in bible study or Sunday school when I read the book. I can go on and on about this book!!! This will be a “BEST SELLER”!!! 

~ Sandra


I read your book and was DEEPLY moved by it. It gave me a full understanding to the phrase Soul Ties. I was very impressed and Blessed by your story and how the Lord worked on you. God Bless You! I am in the process of trying to listen to what the Lord would have me to do regarding certain situations and I am often confused. Whenever I take things into my own hands, that’s when trouble starts. Your book was very inspirational and I have recommended it to several people. Please let me know if you have others. God Bless You!”

~ Bridgette


Mrs. Daniels, your book was the greatest book I have ever read; it was so touching and inspirational to me. I thank God for has changed me in ways only God knows and understand. And I truly Thank You and want God to continue to bless you and your family. Deliverance is something! I was battling a habit for over 5 years and your book was partial to my healing and I’m delivered. Thank God!”

~ Katara


Thank you for writing your book, The Ties That Bind. It is helping me to recognize and defeat some of the demons from my past. The Holy Spirit truly lead you to write this book. I was guided to other websites on Soul Ties as far back as spring of 2003, but none of them brought on the Holy Spirit as powerfully as your tale. You are indeed very brave and anointed. ...the book kept calling me. So I said, I’d just read a few pages, but once I started I couldn’t put it down and I was done reading it less than a day later.  I really felt my own committment to God to TRULY break and sever this tie. I’m sure you must get a lot of emails, but if you could touch and agree in prayer for me to help break this ungodly soul tie, it would be much appreciated.

~ Marjorie


GET READY, YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO PUT IT DOWN! This book made me laugh and cry. She divulged some things that most would take to their grave. The book is the best I’ve read and it truly blessed me. I pray that there’s more to come from Mrs. Daniels. It is a must read and be ready because you won’t be able to put it down until you’re finished.

~ Anonymous


A MUST READ! This book was truly an inspiration! I was struggling with some personal issues of my own and Mrs. Daniels definitely shed some light. Her personal struggle allowed me to relate and understand I was not alone! I encourage everyone to read!

~ Nihla


Great book...This book is a lesson and I was very inspired by this book, this has let me know everyone has struggles and to never feel alone because you can overcome anything with God’s faith...this was a great book.

~ Beautifully Made


There is a lesson on every page! I recommend this book to everyone. It makes so much sense! Happy reading.

~ Anonymous


I pray this note finds you abounding in the blessings. Where do I begin? A sister gave me your book. If I didn’t know my name, I would’ve thought I wrote a book of my life and someone placed their name on it. How parallel. Even to the colors we wore to my mom’s Homegoing. I want you to know how important your book, The Ties That Bind  played in my deliverance and freedom...So much that I know beyond any doubt...the sisters need you!!! I told my Pastors about you. We are having a Women’s conference...“Victory for Today’s Women”. Having you as a speaker, I know, will move the women to a higher dimension in their relationships. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting the mighty woman of God Almighty. I thank God for His obedient servant.

~Christ Evangelistic Life Changing Ministries 

Evangelist Rachel 


God bless you Woman of God, I just finished reading your book and was greatly moved by the events in your life that has made you into an awesome woman of God (I’m certain). Your pain now has purpose and your book encouraged me.  I too am a woman acquainted with pain (not in the way that you experienced by way of the ungodly soul tie with “Hamilton”), but pain is pain. I hope to be able to meet you one day and have you minister at one of our ministry sessions for I am a big fan of women in general, in particular, powerful women of God like yourself.  Again, I greatly appreciate your honesty in your life’s struggle for it will (and has I’m sure helped many). Know that God greatly used you to write this book and what you endured in life has a great purpose and all that you suffered (and have now been delivered from) was so that HE could get the glory out of your life. Be encouraged and continue to do the will of our Father. 

P.S. I read your book in one day!

~ Sweet Rose of Sharon Women’s Ministry

Pastor Sharon


Thanks again for letting me share and be a part of this awesome blessing. This book is so inspiring and written like a story teller. I never heard your voice, but I can hear you tell the story. What a blessing.

~ Shirley


Thanks for writing this book. My life has been enriched and truly blessed.

~ Lewanda


Thank you for your obedience to the Lord to be specific in the writing of the book!!! Part II really spoke directly to my needs and where I am today. It answered quite a few questions I’ve been asking God lately. I am so grateful to God that He divinely inspired you to write with such clarity and honesty. I have indeed been blessed and pray that God will continue to deliver me from the ties that bind  so the love of God can be shed abroad in my heart. And because I know God is no respector of persons I am expecting Him to do what He’s done in your life in mine as well. I look forward to receiving more and more deliverance until God makes my wounded soul whole. Words can’t express my gratitude...may God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you.

~ Min. Deshauna


Praise the Lord!!! God bless you Woman of God. I just wanted to touch bases with you, concerning your book. In two words, “Great book.” Your book has been a conversation piece in my department. Several women began reading it at the same time; saved and unsaved women. We all agree...”HAMILTON” was a trip. But as we got together to discuss the book I asked, “How many women here have had a 'HAMILTON' in their life?” We all did. Maybe not in the same time frame, however, he did become part of our lives. One comment I will share with you too – they felt he was totally wrong. The Holy Spirit led me to reply...”She handled it GOD’S way and not the World’s way." Continue!!! Continue!!! I salute you. I will pray that the Father continue to use you. Go forth!!! I shared with a dear friend of mind (whose parents own Corner Stone Christian Book store located in East Chicago Indiana) concerning your book. I asked about putting your book in their store.

Restoration Foundational Prophetic Int’l Ministries

Evangelist Irma


Hello Mrs. Daniels. I am a 27 year old single mom of 3 beautiful kids. On this past Wednesday at bible class my pastor said God gave him the vision to give your book to me to read. I knew my pastor did not know my past life story neither did he know the things I have been fighting with for the last 12 years of my life, but God knew it all. I started to read your book on Wednesday night after bible class to see why God wanted me to read this book and what this book had to do with my life situations. WHY? GOD WHY? was my question. Well I am here to tell you now I know why. Your life was very very similar to my life. Your book has truly blessed me and has showed me that when we think God has left us he has not left us, he was there all the time. The trials and tribulations we go threw we don’t understand but God knows just what he is doing. I am at the stage of my life where I am ready for my deliverance to come. I need God to show me how he showed you step by step why I went through and are going through the things I am going through. I am tired of the struggle, I am tired of the hurt and pain. I just had an abortion yesterday because I can barely take care of the kids I have – so I’m dealing with that sin and pain. I just don’t know what to do. I have the faith, but it’s hard. God bless you.

~ Anonymous


Just looking at the cover with the name of the book has started some kind of churning in my spirit...the cover with the rope was really significant to me. Just looking back at the Chic Rick scene, girl, I was dealing with so much drama of my own. Who would have thought that the Lord was preparing us for such a time as this? I felt ashamed reading your testimony because it made me think of myself. You talk about your mother and how she put you into some situations; I still have “issues” with my mother. I used to hate people telling me that I LOOK JUST LIKE MY  MOTHER. This was the worst thing that anybody could say to me. I also heard, GIRL, YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER. This would put me at the highest level of “pisstivity.” I vowed that I was not nor would I ever be like her. Guess what? I’m just like my mother. I am still dealing with this. I made some of the same mistakes that my mother did. I’m still angry with her even at age 42. Knowing that the Lord has delivered you and truly set you free gives me hope. Have a blessed day and remember “AND GREATER THINGS THAN THESE SHALL FOLLOW THEM THAT BELIEVE.” I LOVE YOU with the LOVE OF JESUS!

~ Michelle


I thank God for allowing you to write your book. I began reading it yesterday on my way home from work and I did not stop until I finished. I thank God for several reasons: 1. It took a lot of courage for  you to share not only the details of your past but to share the intimate details of your deliverance. 2. It allowed me to reflect on some past situations in my life and helped me realize why I react the way that I do sometimes. 3. Most of all it gives me courage to continue writing what God gave me to write. Some of those chapters that were not complete are finally done. This book helps you see that even when we don’t see God, He is always there. Even when we choose not to acknowledge Him, He is there. In the midst of our sin, trials, and any circumstance, He is right there. He allows things for a purpose and I understand that more now than I ever had before. There are many more things that I would like to say, but words would not even begin to express what I feel right now. While reading your book I had to stop and reflect on my own life several times. God began to bring back to my remembrance things that I had suppressed. I can now begin to deal with the tragic things that happened to me and finally be free! Thanks for allowing God to use you in a mighty way...because your deliverance paves the way for many others to be delivered!

~ Theresa


I just had to e-mail you and let you know that I was soooo blessed by your book. I am finally able to see some reasoning behind some past events in my life that helped me to get where I am today. I am still going through, but I know there is a purpose and a divine plan for my life. I thank you for being obedient to God and being specific about your past, I was extremely blessed by it and I have a confirmation that Jesus is with me always. I pray that God continues to bless you and your family in an awesome way!!! Hallelujah!!!

P.S. When is the next book coming out????  

~ Tania


To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven...God has chosen this season to spread more light and understanding on sexual sin and is using Pastor Daisy S. Daniels as one of the vessels by which to do so. Having ended an ungodly relationship and experiencing the worst possible heartbreak, I knew I never wanted to experience that kind of pain again; how timely the release of “The Ties That Bind!” After reading this book and for the first time in my life,  I now understand why God has commanded us not to have premarital sex. I always knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know why. I have my “sword” in one hand, my “dagger” in the other, as well as The Ties That Bind  book using them as weapons in preventing others from falling prey to the enemy. Thank you, Pastor Daisy S. Daniels for opening up your life, consequently, exposing the enemy for the deceitful, dirty liar he is. May the Lord, God bless you abundantly!

~ Navis


WOW, after reading this novel, it really made me feel like the author knew the struggles that I was experiencing. Through this book she was able to shed light on why I was still feeling emotionally tied to someone that I hadn’t been dating for years. As she revealed her struggles, this inspired me to get the help that I so badly needed in order to move on with my life. Thank you, Daisy Daniels for reaching out to help others who don’t know or understand about The Ties That Bind  us up - taking baggage from one relationship to another. Thank you for allowing me and others to see that we aren’t alone in our struggles with relationships. I wish everyone would invest in your book as well.

~ Pastor Ava


Life Changing! I was shocked, awed and inspired by this deeply moving revelation of Mrs. Daniels’ life. It took a lot of courage for her to reveal her most intimate secrets to the world the way she did. Mrs. Daniels has most effectively answered every mother’s question for their daughters in relationships: “why?” Every young woman in America NEEDS to read this book. Every mother of every young woman in America NEEDS to read this book. Every woman in American NEEDS to read this book. Ladies: if you don’t read but one book this year, read: Daisy S. Daniels’ The Ties That Bind. It will change your life!!!

~ Pastor Cheryl


Greetings, Pastor Daisy Daniels. I want to take this time and thank you so very much for your presence with us. You sharing yourself with us will be a joy we will not soon forget. The book, The Ties That Bind  was truly a blessing and deliverance for many of the women. It is a seasoned book for such a time as this. The women were so excited about meeting the author of a book they had read, something they hadn’t experienced before. So do know that you made a great impact and some impartation into my ladies. Do know that you are welcomed to fellowship with us at anytime. We would love to have you. Be Blessed and know that the Lord is pleased with his daughter.

~ Extra Special Women Ministries

 Evangelist Monica


Dear Pastor Daisy. I thank the Lord for using you to write this book. It is truly meant to set the captives free. There were so many issues in the book that touched my life and I was able to give these things up to the Lord. If you look in my book, you can see how I underlined and put dates on issues that I needed to be delivered from. I would like you to send this book to my sister. I believe the Holy Spirit has been leading me for a month to purchase it and send it to her. I know it will be a blessing to her also. Thanks, again.

~ Denise


Thank you for obeying God in writing the book. Thank you for including the details. This book will help so many women. I’m telling you: I haven’t stopped talking about it since I read it. The revelation, understanding God has given you from the scriptures you used and especially about the women being the “crown” of the head literally made me jump up and cry and shout! I told my husband I want to put a copy of this book into the hands of every female I know and meet and...that day is coming and I will order a case of your books! I have read other books on soul ties but NEVER one like this!! God bless you for your obedience to the voice of God. Now when I go through difficult situations I try to stop and ask: “Where are you, Jesus?” Now, I don’t see visions like you do but He will talk to me and make sense of it and give direction. Thank you, Sis. Daniels, thank you, thank you, thank you, for this book! God bless you mightily in all your work for Him!

~ M.O.R.E. Life Ministries

Pastor Hickson


I am writing because I heard you on the radio this past weekend, I believe it was Saturday evening and I became interested in the topic of “Soul Ties.” I am a 36 year old woman with three daughters and I just found out last week that I am pregnant with my fourth. I am struggling with this because I have been dealing with a man for the past six years and I can’t seem to shake him. We don’t get along and I’ve been told by God that he is not my husband. We have broken up countless times over the years and there have been really big fallouts, fights, name callings, court cases, etc. I have prayed and prayed and I must admit I have fallen off the mark...and went back. I am so miserable and so unhappy and now I pregnant with his second child.  I feel so trapped and I don’t understand it. Why can’t I just tell him to leave me alone. I think about my two year old and the one now on the way and I feel like why do you keep making this same mistake over and over again. I also have teenage daughters who are watching me go through this madness and I am so ashamed. I work in a respectable environment with intelligent people and if they knew the madness they wouldn’t believe it. I can’t break this cycle and I know it’s spiritual. I know that this is a soul tie. I don’t know how to break loose. I’ve prayed and cried. I feel almost stupid and irresponsible. Please pray for me and my child. Pray that the chains are broken and that I am set free soon!

~ Rhonda


Whew...Girls in EVERY aspect!!! Daisy, if people don’t know and LOVE the Lord, you will never know that He will actually talk to you and take you where you need to be. A couple of years back you couldn’t have made me believe that He was “having his way” with you. It’s scary if you don’t know Him, but if you do- it’s all GOOD!!! It kind of made me “not want to go to the past” but you sometimes have to in order to move past it.

~ Delayna


Good morning mighty woman of God. I finally finished your book this weekend. I wanted to tell you that even though I had not shruggled with the situations that you have, I have struggled with the same spirits and the same soul ties. I have never been hurt to the point where I longed and mourned over someone but my last relationship was the only relationship that I had a problem letting go of; because this person was not the person that God has for me, but I wanted it to be. You made me see things clearly and how I am to receive my complete deliverance of the ungodly soul tie that I still have. God has done a mighty work and a quick work in my life over the past year and I am glad to say that this year will be MY YEAR of total complete change and deliverance. Also it will be a year TO GET TO KNOW ME, SANDRA, and learn how to love myself and to learn to be open to be loved. I am truly grateful that you were obedient to the father and you wrote this book because there are a lot of hurting women out there and a lot of them deal with what you have overcame through the grace of God. They need to hear struggles so that they will be set free and I truly believe that your deliverance will set many women free. REMEMBER NOW AND ALWAYS TO KEEP HIM FIRST...Oh, yea, GREAT JOB, can’t wait until the next one.

~ Sandra


Just wanted to say I love your book! Hello, and GOD BLESS you Mr. & Mrs. Daniels. I’m reading your book and I’m at part 2 now and I just had to let you guys know this is the most interested I ever been in a book, just had to tell you guys this once again GOD BLESS and may more blessings come your way.

~ Anonymous


I was reading all through the night and my husband had to tell me, “It’s late, Pam, will you cut the light off please?” ...I know I’ll finish it tonight.

~ Pam


A familiar story for most, but with a powerful revelation for all who are willing to surrender and trust GOD.

~ Simone



Prophetic Voice 

While proofreading the manuscript, there was a section of the book in which I wrote about how I fell into sin. As I read this section I heard the Lord say, "I want the details." I paused, but ignoring His instructions I continued to read. 


In another section of the book, I wrote about how my foot slipped. Again, I heard God say, "I want every  detail."


This time I stopped and said, "No, God. I cannot write the details in this book. I cannot write the details because my husband has to read this book. I cannot write the details because my children have to read this book."


"I want every detail!" He demanded.


...the rest is evident.


To God be the glory for the thiings He has done.


~ The Ties That Bind

Daisy S. Daniels



© 2014 by Ties That Bind.

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