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     Hamilton and I continued to be friends and talked on the phone. Although I knew Hamilton was interested in dating me, I was not interested in dating him because I was already involved with someone. We continued to spend time with each other during class, always laughing and joking with each other. Of course everyone knew Hamilton, and questioned why Hamilton and I were spending so much time together. 


     Assuring them there was nothing going on between us, we continued to be friends. We would talk on the phone almost every night about nothing in particular. Bascially, we just shared the events of our day with each other. One month into the phone calls, I started to like Hamilton as more than a friend. He was funny; he made me laugh all the time. I liked being with him. I started to look forward to seeing him at school and receiving his phone calls. I even began to wonder if there was a chance that we  could date. My boyfriend, William, was away at school and we didn't talk much. Plus, I started to like the attention that Hamilton was giving me.


     Although we had not known each other that long, in one of our nightly conversations, Hamilton said, "We have been talking long enough. I need to know what are you going to do?"


     "Do about what?" I asked.


     "Are we going to get together or what?"


     "I don't know. What do you want to do?"


     "I want to do to you what John did to you."


     I sat there without saying anyting. My heart fell. I felt as though it literally moved out of my chest. Saddened by what Hamilton said, I was speechless.


     Hamilton exclaimed, "I'm serious." And I knew he was serious.






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     Although I wasn't sure of what John had told Hamilton that he had done; I could just imagine what he had said. Interested in knowing what John told him, I asked, "What did John do to me?" 


     "You know what he did to you."


     "No, I don't know what John did to me. Tell me what he supposedly did."


     But Hamilton never did say. He didn't have to say because I was almost one hundred percent certain that John told him that he had sex with me.


After hearing Hamilton say this to me, I thought to myself; there will never be a chance of his being intimiate with me. We could continue to be friends because I had fun with him and he made me laugh all the time. But I wasn't sure if I was ready for a commitment like that.


     I didn't want an intimate relationship; I just liked the attention. But going along with the conversation, I asked him, "If I decide that you could do to me what John did to me, what will it mean? Where would that leave us?"


     He said, "What do you mean?"


     I said, "Does that mean that we will be seeing only each other?" I hoped that Hamilton would say that it would mean that we would be officially dating.


     Instead, he said, "Oh, no, there would be no strings attached."


     "No strings attached?" I asked. I wondered, what exactly does no strings attached mean?


     He continued, "You do whatever you want to do, date whoever you want to date, and I'll do the same. Neither of us will have anything to say about the other."


     Because it was my desire to continue to get his attention, to talk to him, and to be with him...



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Prophetic Dream 

At age 17, the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream the Lord stood with open arms asking me to come with Him. I wanted to go with Him, but I could not find one of my shoes. I went searching through the house, anxiously, hoping the Lord would not leave before I found the shoe. However, I could not find the shoe, and I woke up.


The Lord was revealing to me that the path that I was on was about to change. My life was about to change course. Shoes represent a change in position, in direction. 


~ The Ties That Bind

Daisy S. Daniels


© 2014 by Ties That Bind.

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