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Book Reading by Daisy S. Daniels



























     Writing this book has by far been the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. It has been harder for me to write this book than it was for me to wait 20 years for my total  healing and deliverance. You see, it was easy for me to share my story with those I knew I could trust with my story - with those I knew would give God the glory for what He has done in my life. But sharing my story with millions of people who I do not know or trust was a very difficult thing to do.


     I worked on this book for three years but did not tell anyone that I was writing a book. When the manuscript was completed, the Lord prompted me to do my last proofreading and get it to a publisher.


     I was so excited because it was finally getting ready to happen. I sat at the computer and started to proofread the manuscript a final time before sending it off to the publisher. While proofreading the manuscript, there was a section of the book in which I wrote about how I fell into sin.  As I read this section I heard the Lord say, "I want the details." I paused, but ignoring His instructions I continued to read. In another section of the book, I wrote about how my foot slipped. Again, I heard God say, "I want every detail."


     This time I stopped and said, "No, God. I cannot write the details in this book. I cannot write the details because my husband has to read this book. I cannot write the details because my children have to read this book."


     "I want every detail!" He demanded.


     That very moment I began to cry out to God, "Please don't make me do this. I cannot put the details in this book." Ignoring my plea, God did not respond.


     I began to wrestle with God because I had decided I was not going to include the details. The Lord began to wake me at 5:00 a.m., to say, "Write the book." Ignoring His demand, I would not do it. I continued to lie in bed but could not sleep. After several days of being awakened, I would go and just sit at the computer until it was time for me to go to work. My 5:00 a.m. wake-up calls became 2:00 a.m. wake-up calls at the voice of God saying, "Write the book." Sitting at the computer, I decided I would write the details but there was no way I was going to get it published.


     I was given one week of vacation from work, but what I thought was vacation time, was actually God making it possible for me to do what He was telling me to do. I desperately wrote through tears that clouded my vision as the pages began to unfold. The time spent writing the details would take many hours each day, until all the details had been written. Still, once the manuscript was complete with the details, I refused to take it to the publisher.


     The Lord began to send numerous individuals to encourage me to do what He was telling me to do. But I didn't want to hear their counsel or suggestions; clearly they had no idea what God was telling me to do. Then, the Lord began to convict me and He would not let me rest.


     I was reminded of a prophetic word that I received in August 2001: "Every mistake that you made, God was there. Every mistake that you made, God allowed it. You are being sent to people who have made the same mistakes and you have got to tell them your story so they'll know that God brought you out. You are being sent to people who want to get free."


...the rest is evident.

Prophetic Prayer 

I pray that as you read this book, it will cause you to seek God - to encourae you to yield and surrender unto God's will. I pray that you'll allow God to search your heart and reveal that which is in your heart. Futhermore, I pray that you will be healed, delivered, and set free. I pray that you are receptive to what God has for you in this book. Whatever He has for you to do concerning His revelation, I hope that you will trust and obey His command.


In Jesus' Name. Amen.

© 2014 by Ties That Bind.

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