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The time that we’d been waiting for had finally come. We were excited in our spirits and had declared and decreed that no devil in hell would be able to stop us from doing what God had called us to do. We were walking by faith, and would continue to do so no matter what happened.

We believed God…and that settled it.

As we started to move forward, seemingly my friend seemed to waver. And immediately I was concerned that they may not be on board with what we had been declaring. But I continued. And the further we went, the more I became concerned that they may not be walking by faith. Somehow all I heard was doubt (but I was determined to move forward come hell or high water). But my spirit was disturbed, so I said, “I’m concerned that you may not be on board. Your actions are indicating that you may not be all in.”

I was assured that they were all in.

I continued to move forward in what “we” believed the Lord had prompted us to do. A door that we had been praying that God would open…had been opened. And now I was moving forward in cultivating the blessing so that the harvest would come; so that the harvest would be plentiful.

Again, I was met with resistance as I was questioned about my ability to make this happen. Then, an all-out attack (though subtle), hidden in words disguised as “I’m just asking,” started to question my ability to make this happen. Even questioned if I had somehow gotten off track; lost focus of what it was that I was supposed to be doing.

And with little hesitation, I answered the accusations as I defended my position of trying to take advantage of every opportunity that the Lord had given me. But I have to admit, my defense was met with great concern of what was happening.

I entered into the Lord’s presence and began to pray. I quickly gave the situation to the Lord as I had become concerned and confused as I asked Him what was going on; and asked what I should do to move forward.

Then I waited for His response.

The word of the Lord came to me in the night.

After you have done everything, to stand.

When I woke up, the peace of the Lord was upon me as He began to give me understanding concerning His word and the situation. Immediately, He wanted me to understand that the important thing for me to do was to stand.

He revealed to me "to stand" means to remain unchanged; steadfast and unmovable.

As the word was revealed, I was strengthened and encouraged in my spirit, and knew without a shadow of a doubt I was on the right path and doing what the Lord had told me to do.

Then the Lord continued to minister to me as I remained in His presence.

And immediately I could see the enemy using this individual in an attempt to keep me from doing what the Lord had called me to do; to keep me from getting what the Lord said I could have. And just as suddenly, I was reminded of the enemy’s tactic: attacking my ability to get it done.

Therefore, my brothers and my sisters, I want to declare to you today the word of the Lord:

After you have done everything, to stand. Eph 6:13 NIV

Remain unchanged; steadfast and unmovable.

Stand on His word!

Continue to walk by faith!

Continue to stand in agreement with the word of God: You are what it says you are. You can do what it says you can do. You can have what it says you can have. You can go where it says you can go.

Let us be mindful that while the Lord has given the blessing to us, often times we’ll be met with resistance as the enemy tries to keep us from getting what God says we can have.


Let us also be mindful that obstacles are place in our path to see if we really want what we say we want. When met with resistance, are we going to give up? Or are we going to…stand?

It doesn't matter what battle you may be facing.

We fight not against flesh and blood; the fight is not against the individual that the enemy uses, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

(Ephesians 6:12-13 NLT)


Remain unchanged.



It is never our ability to make the blessing happens; it is our obedience to His instructions that makes the blessing happens.


This is the will of God concerning you.

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