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Praise Him!

We are creatures of habit: Day in and day out, doing the same things over and over; set in our ways. But then one day, out of nowhere something happens…there’s an interruption in our daily routine. We can’t seem to move forward, can’t seem to pull it together.

We're going about our daily routine and can’t seem to make it happen…nothing is working out. And nobody has the answer.

God is trying to get our attention.

Sometimes, God will interrupt our daily schedule; stop us from doing anything else…to get us to praise Him!

And our only option is to seek His face; the face of Him who is the only One who can make it right, and put us on the right path.

During this Thanksgiving holiday, let's not forget to give Him the praise.

Praise Him!

Get in His presence and give Him some praise!

God wants us to praise Him. Not for a breakthrough. Not for a blessing…

Praise Him because of who He is!

He’s our Lord and Savior, Bright and Morning Star, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father. He’s the King of kings; the Lord of Lords, our Sovereign God; our Holy and Righteous God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Our Protector, Provider, Strong tower that we run to and are safe. Our Deliverer...the Lover of our souls!


He sits on the throne with all power and authority in His hands. He sits high, but He looks low and watches closely what goes on in the earth. There is nothing that can happen without His permission!


Praise Him!

He has raised up for his people a horn,

the praise of all His saints,

of Israel, the people close to His heart.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Praise the LORD,

Praise God in His sanctuary;

praise Him in His mighty heavens.

Prasie Him for His acts of power;

praise Him for His surpassing


Praise Him with the sounding of the


praise Him with the harp and lyre,

praise Him with tambourine and dancing,

praise Him with the strings and flute,

praise Him with the clash of cymbals,

praise Him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise

the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

(Psalm 150:1-6)

This is the will of God concerning you.

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