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I'm Expecting!

I had come to a cross road.

My only question: What do I do?

Immediately, I was reminded that I had been here before: I’ve been in this same situation once before. And just as suddenly, I was also reminded that it wasn’t like before. It was different.

I was in the same situation, but things had changed, circumstances had changed.

The one difference that stood out the most was: the first time it happened, I found myself in that situation after a very difficult time. This time, however, I had willingly giving everything up to be in His will.

And yet, I was still faced with the same situation.

This time, however, I wasn’t afraid. I wasn’t concerned.

The one thing that was the same was: I had no idea what was going to happen.

But what I did know was: I am expecting!

The spirit of expectation had overtaken me! And now I'm expecting God to show up and show out! I am expecting Him to prove Himself once again! Because I’ve seen Him work!

When I came to this crossroad once before, the Lord saw me through. He made ways out of no ways and created doors where there were no doors. He did it then and He’ll do it now.

I’m excited because I know it’s going to be something good! It’s going to be something that I could not do for myself. It’s going to be something big…something huge! It’s going to be a blessing that’s beyond what I could ever imagine or think!

God’s going to do it!

I can’t help but be reminded that I have given up everything as His word rings out in my spirit, “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)

You see, I’m expecting a hundredfold!

A hundredfold?

Yes! Not thirty or sixty, but a hundredfold!

I’m expecting the Lord to give me back far more than I’ve given up: houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children and property, for His sake. I’m expecting the Lord’s blessings to manifest; His word to manifest!

A hundredfold!

I believe there is no way that I’ve come to this place (where the Lord had given me victory) and there not be a blessing waiting for me. Therefore, it’s not really a cross road, but rather an opportunity for the Lord to show Himself strong and mighty in my life. All I have to do is continue to wait on Him with expectancy! Then receive!

How many times have we come face to face with what seemed to be the impossible? So often we find ourselves in what we believe to be a difficult situation because we can’t see our way out. But there is nothing too hard for God. And nothing is impossible for Him.

Too often we get overwhelmed with our situations or circumstances because we rely on our own resources, strategies, and wisdom, which often fail us. And in doing so, all we can see is the gloom and doom (instead of looking at the situation as an opportunity for God to bless us)! An opportunity for Him to prove Himself once again!

Take your eyes off of the situation, put your eyes on God, and watch Him work! Watch Him turn your situation around and work it out for your good!

You’re not at a cross road!

You’re in a place to receive a hundredfold!

There is no way the Lord is going to let you out-give Him!

All that you’ve given up for the sake of the gospel; for the sake of being in His will!

Stop looking at your situation as if there’s no way that it can be figured out! As if it’s impossible! Instead, clothe yourself with a spirit of expectancy! Expect the Lord to fix it for you! Expect the Lord to turn it around for you! Expect the Lord to do the impossible! Expect Him to pour out a blessing that you don’t have room to receive! Expect Him to give you back more than you’ve given up!

Expect a hundredfold!

And watch Him do it!

This is the will of God concerning you.

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