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Pregnant In The Spirit

All of a sudden, I was craving popcorn. Popcorn had become my “go-to” snack. And not the fit, healthy stuff I might add; the more butter, the better. I went from a discipline of no snacks to eating popcorn every day. I mean, I couldn’t finish my dinner before I was reaching for the popcorn. (And to be honest, some days, I started with the popcorn before I ate dinner). Then I noticed I was “getting out of control,” and became disturbed in my spirit.

And my prayer for the night became, “Lord, reveal to me what’s going on.”

In a dream…

The Lord revealed to me that I am pregnant; in the spirit.

As the Lord ministered to me, He reminded me of Hannah, in 1 Samuel, chapter 1. Now some of you may know about Hannah. And how she desperately wanted a baby, but the Lord had closed up her womb. She had not been able to conceive. She was so desperate; in fact, she stopped eating, and was in deep anguish as she cried out to God bitterly.

Now, what we may not realize when something like this happens is we’re trying to feed in the natural what we’re craving in the spirit. Well, let me say it this way; we’re trying to deal with what’s going on in the spirit with natural responses. You see, often times, when we find ourselves in situations where we may feel inadequate, inferior, or even overwhelmed, we use whatever coping mechanism we can to help us deal with the stress of it all.

Basically, Hannah was responding in the natural to what God was doing in the spirit.

However, what she failed to realize (or didn’t know) was God had closed up her womb because He was preparing her for the birthing of Samuel. (Not eating, in deep anguish, crying bitterly unto the Lord was her way of dealing with the stress of it all; it was her way of coping with a spiritual issue in the natural.)

She wanted desperately what only God could do.

So, in essence, being pregnant in the spirit means…

  • God is birthing something in you.

  • God is developing you (preparing you) for whatever it is that He’s getting ready to bring forth in your life.

  • You’re getting ready to go through a developmental stage; the birthing process – as He prepares you for the promise He has for you.

In other words, you’re experiencing some growing pains; feeling a little discomfort, uncomfortable if you will, in a place you’ve never been in before, doing things you’ve never done before. That’s why you’re craving in the natural what’s going on in the spirit – this is your way of coping with what God is doing in your life.

It may not be "popcorn" or "not eating at all," but you have a way of coping with what God is doing in your life.

Now, like Hannah, we have to be careful with how we manage the discomfort of carrying the weight of this pregnancy; we have to be careful wiith how we manage the weight of the promise.

Like Hannah, we have to pray. We have to let prayer become our "go-to" way of responding to what God is doing in our lives. We have to stay in His face, and allow Him to complete the work in us.

God is the only one who can prepare us; develop us - get us ready for the promise.

And like Hannah, in due season, God will birth forth His promise in us.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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