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He Wants More

In a dream...

I was “on my way” – doing what the Lord had instructed me to do. I got right to the door and somehow, seemingly, I was just standing there – I was distracted. However, I noticed the person I passed on the way had now gone in the door and the door closed.

Immediately, I was overcome with great disappointment as I said to myself, I was just standing here! I was right here! In disbelief that I was so close and missed the opportunity to go in. How could I be so close and not go in? I had to go in!

I started to bang on the door.

Now I did notice that while the door had been closed, it wasn’t closed all the way; it wasn’t locked. I could see that if I pushed the door it would probably open. But I kept banging on the door as if to say, “I was right here! Let me in!”

The man opened the door and I went in.

However, once inside, to my surprise, there were only a few people. And I was concerned.

Then I woke up.

My immediate thought was that I had “almost” missed an opportunity. While I was standing right at the door, somehow, I had let the door close before I got the chance to go in…because I had gotten distracted. Now while I do want to say, “Don’t get distracted,” that’s not the message the Lord is conveying.

I couldn’t help but contemplate the door seemingly being closed and then opened.

Well, I knew right away that it wasn’t God – because the door He opens, no man can close and the door He closes no man can open! So I knew it wasn’t God who had opened or closed the door…it was man.

Again, while I will say, “walk through the doors that God has open for us, not man,” that’s not the message the Lord is conveying either.

As I inquired of the Lord concerning the interpretation of the dream, the Lord said, “To whom much is given, much is required.” And immediately, He began to say that the door that we’re trying to go through; that thing that we’re trying to do is too small; it's not enough. The people are too few and the platform is too small. He wants us to do more. We should be using a larger platform to reach more of His people. However, we’re not doing enough with the resources, talents, and gifts that He has given us, and we’re not using them effectively.

The open doors that God has for us are on larger platforms to reach more of His people.

My God! God is doing a new thing; on a higher level.

Let’s pursue the doors that He has open for us.

And as we pursue these platforms, He will give us more opportunities. (And if we’re given more opportunities, we’ll also be given more responsibility.) And the Lord is holding us accountable for using that which He has given us effectively. We’ve been entrusted with much, and even more is required.

God has opened doors to larger platforms to reach more of His people…to do His will.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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