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Be Patient. Wait On God.

Our eyes have been opened. We see it. We want it. We understand what needs to be done to make it manifest. We’ve been in this place long enough; stagnant. We’ve missed out on the blessings before. We’ve missed God before. But we’re determined not to let that happen again. It’s time to move forward. It’s time to do this thing. It’s time to go to another level.

We see where we went wrong the first time, the mistakes that we made are before our eyes. Now we see the opportunities, blessings that we missed. Without a shadow of a doubt, we know what to do this time to make it right. There’s absolutely no way we’re going to miss God again; there’s no way we’re going to miss the blessings...again.

We’ve got to fix it; we’ve got to get it right in order to move forward. We’re anxious. We’re desperate. We’ve suffered long enough. We have to make it right!

Let me encourage you today: Be patient. Wait on the Lord.

It’s the right thing to do, but it’s the wrong time.

We have to be careful that in our attempt to make it right; in our attempt of not missing the next opportunity – the next blessing, that we don’t get ahead of God.

Do only what He’s telling you to do; not what you know needs to happen.

In our desperate attempt to right the wrong, we move outside of the will of God; which results in us doing things in our own strength. And consequently, every attempt fails. Our efforts are fruitless. And there will be road block after road block. Frustration, spirit disturbed, and disappointed.

We lose faith in God.

How can this be? (We know it’s the right thing to do.)

It’s the wrong time.

Be patient. Wait on the Lord.

We’ve suffered, been stagnant, and now we desperately want to move forward from this place…we’ve got to do something!

Yes, we can do something.

“Be patient. Wait on the Lord.”

Wait. It is the catalyst of all that the Lord has planned for us.

Let’s not get ahead of Him.

Let’s focus on the doors that He has opened and not on the ones that we want opened.

Be patient. It allows Him to work it out for us. He knows the road blocks that are ahead.

Be patient. He knows the obstacles that we’re going to face. And He's preparing us.

Wait on the Lord. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 KJV

Waiting on the Lord is having the patient expectation that God will fulfill His promises and strengthen us to rise above the difficulties.

Wait on the Lord and be confident that His purposes will be accomplished.

Be patient as the Lord makes spiritual progress within us with spiritual power.

Be patient as we come to the realization that the spiritual harvest is more important than the natural blessing.

Let Him have His way. That way, we will be effective. That way, we’ll receive what God has for us. And that way…God will get the glory!

Otherwise, we’ll faint...and not receive the promise.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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