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"Do It Now!"

As the Lord continues to encourage me, I can hardly contain the excitement of what He’s doing.

The word of the Lord has been confirmed:

God Is Opening Doors.

He is opening doors for us that are enabling us to do what we’ve never done; to go where we’ve never been. And while we may be excited to hear that God is doing something; moving on our behalf, we understand that when God opens a door no man can shut it; however, we must also understand that God will shut the door when the time is up (ask Noah). And when the door shuts, no man can open it!

We have let fear hold us back, and it’s keeping us from doing what we’ve been called to do. But the Lord says, “Do not fear. I am with you. I will lead and guide you.” Yes, it may be frightening, but we’ve got to do it anyway. We’re doing something that we’ve never done; we’re going where we’ve never been. But we’ve got to encourage ourselves in the Lord that He would enable us to do that which the enemy is trying to stop us from doing. We must recognize that "fear" is the enemy’s tactic to keep us from doing what God called us to do. He’s trying to stop us from getting the blessings that God has promised.

That’s why we must “make haste,” says the Lord. We can’t wait to do it; we’ve got to do it now while the opportunity is available to us..while the door is open.

“Do it with urgency!” says the Lord.

Now is not the time to fall back; shrink back. Now is not the time to give up; get tired. Now is not the time to haphazardly to it; do it with urgency!

What has the Lord instructed you to do? Whatever it is...Do it! "Do it now!" says the Lord. Doing it and doing it now is a sign of our faith; that God is going to do just what He said He’d do. Doing it and doing it now is us getting prepared for the blessing. Our preparation is an act of faith; preparing ourselves for the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Don't let it be said, "Too late."

He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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