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God Is Opening Doors

As I lie in bed, I was startled by the loud knock on the door. I jumped up; my heart raced, but quickly calmed down as I reasoned that it must be my son. “Come in,” I said. But there was no answer. “Come in,” I said louder, but still there was no answer. As I lie in bed, I suddenly realized the angel of the Lord had knocked on the door. I had overslept. I hadn’t gotten up for my morning devotion, and was satisfied with just giving in to the defeat that was beckoning me to give up as the tears rolled down my face.

The next morning, as I lie in bed, again, I was startled by the loud knock on the door. Again, I jumped up; my heart raced, but without any thought I said, “Come in.” But again, there was no answer. “Come in,” I said louder for a second time, but still there was no answer. I comforted myself as I looked around; I know I heard a knock. The next thing I knew, the door opened as my husband asked, “What are you saying?”

“Did you knock on the door?” I asked.

“No. No one knocked on the door,” he responded.

“I heard a knock on the door.”

“There wasn't a knock on the door,” he assured me, "I’m the only one here, and I didn’t knock on the door.”

Again, I realized the knock on the door had come from heaven. Again, I had overslept. For the second day, I hadn’t gotten up for devotion and was still struggling with just giving up as all of my inadequacies surfaced. I was tired and was about to succumb to the thought that nothing was happening; in spite of all the efforts I’d put forth.

That night, as soon as I laid down, I don’t even think my head hit the pillow, and there was a knock on the door. I jumped up, and asked my husband, “Did you hear that?!”

“Hear what?”

“The knock on the door; there was a knock on the door. You didn’t hear that?”


“There was a knock,” I said to convey I know I heard a knock.

The Lord had come for a visitation. He wanted to talk, and He wanted my attention.

While I was in devotion, immediately the vision was before me:

I saw the Lord’s foot push open a door.

The vision appeared before me three times. And immediately the Lord began to minister to me:

Suddenly, I knew I had the victory and the Lord was opening a door for me. Opening doors rung out in my spirit. Not just a door, but doors; many doors are being opened as the three visions confirmed. And therefore, I want to share with you what the Lord shared with me:

Sadly we’ve missed out on the blessings of the Lord because we’ve failed to recognize the “knock on the door.” We have missed out on the blessings of the Lord because we’ve failed to answer the “door of opportunity.” Because somehow, someway, we’ve come to understand that when God opens a door, THAT’S IT! That's thee blessing!

What we don’t understand is the knock at the door opens a pathway in which we are to go; the direction in which we must go, in order to “get to” the blessing. That's why often times, when we do answer the door, it’s not the blessing we were expecting, so we close the door and walk away from the blessing.

We want the blessing, but we don’t want to do the work to get to the blessing.

We must also understand that in order for us to receive the blessings of God, we have to be prepared for them; there is a process we have to go through to not only be ready for it, but for it to be ready for us! Blessings don’t just happen overnight – it’s a process.

Do we understand…

When God opens a door, He is giving us an opportunity to do something that we weren’t able to do on our own…that’s a blessing…

When God opens a door, He is giving us an opportunity to go somewhere that we weren’t able to go on our own…that’s a blessing…

When God opens a door, He is giving us an opportunity to act in His timing. And that’s a blessing…

And the vision that was before me confirmed the word of the Lord; we have the victory and God is opening doors for us.

This is not the time for feeling defeated. This is not the time to lie down and cry. This is not the time for sleeping late. This is not the time to give up.

NOW is the time to answer the knock at the door because your blessing is on the other side! That thing you’ve been asking God to do for you – is happening right now. God is doing it; He’s making a way for you!

When you are doing what God has called you to do, "opportunity" comes looking for you! And it won’t stop knocking until you open the door. The blessings will come up from behind and overtake you.

And suddenly, as I continued to sit before the Lord, I felt an urgency in my spirit. “Make haste,” says the Lord. Just like the children of Israel leaving Egypt, God is moving. NOW is the time! Do it now while the doors are open! Whatever it is that God has called you to do, “Do it now!” says the Lord.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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