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Let There Be Light!

During my morning devotion, the Lord began to minister to me, and immediately the vision was before me:

I saw there was light, but the earth was dark.

I was reminded of Genesis 1:2-3: The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light," (NLT)

Instantly, the vision became an interpretation of us, a people, as God revealed: Somehow, someway, we've become formless and empty, as darkness covers us. And we can't seem to figure out or explain how we got here - not to ourselves or anyone else…if they asked. Lifeless, void, and in a dark place we lay before the Lord hurting and in pain. We cry out to God to deliver us; take away the hurt and the pain, do something!

Immediately I started praying that the Lord would intervene and deliver you.

It seems as though your cries go unanswered as the pain continues to go through the deepest parts of you. “Where is God?” your soul cries out as you fight back the tears that require more strength than you have, tears that require more faith than you have as you struggle with believing God would take away the pain and deliver you. But the pain has become too much for you to bear as the tears force you to continue to cry out to God…even though He doesn’t answer.

And the tears roll down your face as they speak louder than any words that you could say. “Where is God?!” they scream. “Please! Take this pain away!” And yet, the darkness continues to cover those deep, dark hidden places that you swore you’d never allow to surface because they are too painful; but rather they’d stay hidden, tucked away in the emotional corners of your damaged soul. The darkness that has left you heartbroken, wounded, hurting, and suffering in silence. The darkness that keeps you from seeing God, the pain that keeps you from knowing that He’s there convinces you that there’s no way out.

I’m doing warfare as I bind and loose the demonic spirits that are present, and have you bound.

I have come to tell you that the Spirit of God is hovering over those deep dark places. He is watching over you. He hears every cry. He knows about every hurt and pain. The wounds of your soul lie open before Him. And He has come to deliver you!

He has come to speak to those dark places in your life; those places that have yet to be formed into that which He has created you to be. And He has come to fill those voids in your life that have left you empty – with His Holy Spirit.

To the formless, to the empty, to the darkness that covers your deepest darkest secrets; your deepest darkest hurt, your deepest darkest pain, God said, “Let there be light."

The tears began to well up in my eyes as I know your pain all too well. “Deliver them, oh, God,” I plead. “Let Your light penetrate the dark places in their lives.” I cried out.

And immediately after I finished praying, God said, "...and there was light."

Thank You, Jesus for deliverance has gone forth.

This is the will of God concerning you.

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